Friday, April 8, 2011

Speaking of a decorating job...

Take a look at these "inspired" interiors!
I can't decide if they are awful or if they will be the next hot scheme in a New York restaurant.
WHAT is happening in here.
I feel like I am in a underground prison. Wow, that is a lot of mirror.
Do you think the upholstered seats are easy to clean?
OK, look at the tubes in the corner. I think they are cardboard...I see why maroon and beige never really caught on residentially.
Speaking of residential interiors, what was with brown in the seventies? Was there a shortage of other, less offensive colors? I mean nothing says light and fresh like brown, yellow and orange.
Has anyone seen my zebra?
And you thought you had seen it all. Yes, the window casing is upholstered! I think this person was dead inside. Very, very dead.

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is...oh dear! I hope that _none_ of these designs become the next hot thing. :-(
